We decided a couple that paints together stays together. That is until Tamz spills a wash all over the table! oops . . .
I have had Mice & Mystics on the shelf for a long time and only just worked up the courage to start painting. After watching the game played on Table Top I knew I had to get going. Had a bash at a Roach and the Spider, baddies first, then I don’t mind how bad they look. Turns out with Mike sat next to me and watching Sorastro’s painting tips on YouTube I felt really confident to have a bash at it.
I am really proud of how these turned out for my second go at painting miniatures. I have dabbled with my Dreadball team, but with none of those completed they don’t really count. I still think it is odd to highlight then wash for shadows – but hey it works!
I’m on a mission to paint the miniatures from the new Super Dungeon Explore Forgotten King but was getting board painting the pets. I wanted a little bit of fun so painted one of the bad guys…which are also plants… Awesome!
Picked out King Sprout as he reminds me of the plant from Little shop of horrors. I haven’t finished him yet, there are details and highlighting to go, but he’s coming out great so far.
I wanted to say how well Tamz’ miniatures came out, for someone who is new to miniature painting these are amazing. Well done Honey!
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