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Rhino Hero Symbol Cards

We enjoy playing Haba games, despite the fact they are aimed at children us big kids have fun too. 😋 Rhino Hero is no exception. The heroic card stacking game. You are trying to get rid of all your roof cards first by stacking wall and roof cards higher and higher, with the rhino climbing as required. If you cause the tower to collapse, you loose – the winner is the player with the least roof cards remaining.

We love Rhino Hero, but needed a reminder of the symbols on the roof cards. Here is our player guide

Rhino Hero is super simple and super fun. However, we have one problem with this game. The roof cards have various symbols on them. These symbols change how the game is played. We always forget what they all mean and have to consult the rule book before we start playing the game to refresh our memories. Now, here is the snag, the symbol explanation is over two pages. Bummer. If it was on one page we would leave it open on the table for all to see. As the symbols are on the two pages, someone has to read out the explanations. Not everyone listens and we have been known to forget again mid-game! 😳

We love Rhino Hero, but needed a reminder of the symbols on the roof cards. Here is our player guide

So, What did we do about it?

Easy, I created oversized symbol explanation cards . . .

We love Rhino Hero, but needed a reminder of the symbols on the roof cards. Here is our player guide

These cards fit in the box no problem. They are double sided and I even cut little rounded corners to match the roof cards. Now we can leave these cards on the table for all to see whilst we are playing the game.

We love Rhino Hero, but needed a reminder of the symbols on the roof cards. Here is our player guide

If you would like to print your own feel free to download the file I created here –

Planned Rhino Hero Symbol Cards


If you like dexterity games you will enjoy Rhino Hero. It is like reverse Jenga with stacking not removing. Rhino Hero is fun for all the family, from young gamers all the way to Granny and Grandad. Seriously, it is for everyone. If you want to relieve some tension after playing  a long game of Mansions of Madness, ignore the looks and break out Rhino Hero. Then enjoy the laughter that will follow.

We love Rhino Hero, but needed a reminder of the symbols on the roof cards. Here is our player guide

Bonus Tip – this game gets better when the adults start drinking some booze 😏🍻


Do you have any “children’s” games that you enjoy playing? Let us know why in the comments below.


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Published inCustom Boardgame Upgrades

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