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A Habit of Collecting

So, another day, another Deadlands RPG book turns up in the post. Mike is collecting them now he has realised he really likes them. Even though he has yet to play a campaign!!

I made the mistake of sniggering at him – another collection of games you will never play. Android Netrunner ringing any bells Mister?

Looking over to the games collection to point this out my gaze instantly fell on Killer Bunnies. Damn, I also have the collecting habit.

Killer Bunnies Collection

(I have so many Killer Bunnies expansions I emptied them all into one really useful box. I guess I still love the collection of dice that come with it!)

Killer Bunnies was one of the first games I purchased on my own with no help from Mike. I was drawn in by the blurb on the back and the bold colours. Hey, the first box even came with and expansion. It took a while before we got the game to the table and we had been on a few FLGS visits in the mean time, so I kept purchasing the expansions. Bit of a mistake. We did not like the game. At all. Seems pointless to play through all that when we could just randomly pick carrots to see if we had won!! Never mind, you win some you loose some right? Then we went to the UK Games Expo and there were yet more expansions. In for a penny, in for a pound – in a fit of madness I purchased them!! I have all the Killer Bunnies expansions (minus the Chocolate one) and we NEVER play the game.

I thought this was my only indiscretion. I thought I was still ahead of Mike. Nope, another glance and the games collection shows Mike and I both have a serious problem!

Every time I see a little packet of Munchkin cards I buy them. We never play this game! I have multiple expansions for Carcassonne, but after playing it again recently we found out we are no longer fans of this and would rather spend our time on other games. I even have all the Mice and Mystics games including Tail Feathers. Yet I have not even finished painting the base set and have not played any of them.

Munchkin Cards

Carcassonne Boardgame

Mike, in a fit of madness has multiple expansions of Zombies!!! including the Bag O Babes packet! All taking up valuable shelf space. Seriously, the last time we played it way back when, the gaming group nearly killed each other by the end!!

Zombies!!! Boardgame


(Check out Mikes Doomtown box, with ALL the sadlebag expansions to date!)

Something tells me I have not learnt my lesson. There is just something so nice about collecting a set. If I see another shiny expansion for Firefly, I will purchase it. If I see another little foil packet for Munchkin at the till, it will be added to our purchase.


Seriously, anybody got a Chocolate Killer Bunnies they are willing to part with?

Anybody . . .

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